Source code for libpince.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Korcan Karaokçu <>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import os, shutil, sys, binascii, pickle, json, traceback, re, pwd, pathlib, distorm3
from . import typedefs, regexes
from keystone import Ks, KsError, KS_ARCH_X86, KS_MODE_32, KS_MODE_64
from collections import OrderedDict
from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
from pygdbmi import gdbmiparser

# Keystone initialization
ks_32 = Ks(KS_ARCH_X86, KS_MODE_32)
ks_64 = Ks(KS_ARCH_X86, KS_MODE_64)

[docs] def get_process_list() -> list[str, str, str]: """Returns a list of processes Returns: list: List of (pid, user, process_name) -> (str, str, str) """ process_list = [] for line in os.popen("ps -eo pid:11,user,comm").read().splitlines(): info = if info: process_list.append(info.groups()) return process_list
[docs] def get_process_name(pid: int | str) -> str: """Returns the process name of given pid Args: pid (int, str): PID of the process Returns: str: Process name """ with open(f"/proc/{pid}/comm") as f: return[0]
[docs] def search_processes(process_name): """Searches processes and returns a list of the ones that contain process_name Args: process_name (str): Name of the process that'll be searched for Returns: list: List of (pid, user, process_name) -> (str, str, str) """ processlist = [] for pid, user, name in get_process_list(): if process_name.lower() in name.lower(): processlist.append((pid, user, name)) return processlist
[docs] def get_regions(pid): """Returns memory regions of a process Args: pid (int): PID of the process Returns: list: List of (start_address, end_address, permissions, map_offset, device_node, inode, path) -> all str """ with open("/proc/" + str(pid) + "/maps") as f: regions = [] for line in regions.append(regexes.maps.match(line).groups()) return regions
[docs] def get_region_dict(pid: int) -> dict[str, list[str]]: """Returns memory regions of a process as a dictionary where key is the path tail and value is the list of the corresponding start addresses of the tail, empty paths will be ignored. Also adds shortcuts for file extensions, returned dict will include both sonames, with and without version information Args: pid (int): PID of the process Returns: dict: {file_name:start_address_list} """ region_dict: dict[str, list[str]] = {} for item in get_regions(pid): start_addr, _, _, _, _, _, path = item if not path: continue _, tail = os.path.split(path) start_addr = "0x" + start_addr short_name = if short_name: short_name = if short_name == tail: short_name = None if tail in region_dict: region_dict[tail].append(start_addr) if short_name: region_dict[short_name].append(start_addr) else: region_dict[tail] = [start_addr] if short_name: region_dict[short_name] = [start_addr] return region_dict
[docs] def get_region_info(pid, address): """Finds the closest valid starting/ending address and region to given address, assuming given address is in the valid address range Args: pid (int): PID of the process address (int,str): Can be an int or a hex str Returns: list: List of (start_address, end_address, permissions, file_name) -> (int, int, str, str) None: If the given address isn't in any valid address range """ if type(pid) != int: pid = int(pid) if type(address) != int: address = int(address, 0) region_list = get_regions(pid) for start, end, perms, _, _, _, path in region_list: start = int(start, 16) end = int(end, 16) file_name = os.path.split(path)[1] if start <= address < end: return typedefs.tuple_region_info(start, end, perms, file_name)
[docs] def filter_regions(pid, attribute, regex, case_sensitive=False): """Filters memory regions by searching for the given regex within the given attribute Args: pid (int): PID of the process attribute (str): The attribute that'll be filtered. Can be one of the below start_address, end_address, permissions, map_offset, device_node, inode, path regex (str): Regex statement that'll be searched case_sensitive (bool): If True, search will be case sensitive Returns: list: List of (start_address, end_address, permissions, map_offset, device_node, inode, path) -> all str """ index = ["start_address", "end_address", "permissions", "map_offset", "device_node", "inode", "path"].index( attribute ) if index == -1: raise Exception("Invalid attribute") if case_sensitive: compiled_regex = re.compile(regex) else: compiled_regex = re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE) filtered_regions = [] for region in get_regions(pid): if[index]): filtered_regions.append(region) return filtered_regions
[docs] def is_traced(pid): """Check if the process corresponding to given pid traced by any other process Args: pid (int): PID of the process Returns: str: Name of the tracer if the specified process is being traced None: if the specified process is not being traced or the process doesn't exist anymore """ try: status_file = open("/proc/%d/status" % pid) except FileNotFoundError: return for line in status_file.readlines(): if line.startswith("TracerPid:"): tracer_pid = line.split(":", 1)[1].strip() if tracer_pid != "0": return get_process_name(tracer_pid)
[docs] def is_process_valid(pid): """Check if the process corresponding to given pid is valid Args: pid (int): PID of the process Returns: bool: True if the process is still running, False if not """ return os.path.exists("/proc/%d" % pid)
[docs] def get_script_directory(): """Get main script directory Returns: str: A string pointing to the main script directory """ return sys.path[0]
[docs] def get_media_directory(): """Get media directory Returns: str: A string pointing to the media directory """ return get_script_directory() + "/media"
[docs] def get_logo_directory(): """Get logo directory Returns: str: A string pointing to the logo directory """ return get_script_directory() + "/media/logo"
[docs] def get_libpince_directory(): """Get libpince directory Returns: str: A string pointing to the libpince directory Note: In fact this function returns the directory where utils in and considering the fact that utils resides in libpince, it works. So, please don't move out utils outside of libpince folder! """ return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
[docs] def delete_ipc_path(pid): """Deletes the IPC directory of given pid Args: pid (int,str): PID of the process """ path = get_ipc_path(pid) if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path)
[docs] def create_ipc_path(pid): """Creates the IPC directory of given pid Args: pid (int,str): PID of the process """ path = get_ipc_path(pid) if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) os.makedirs(path) # Opening the command file with 'w' each time debugcore.send_command() gets invoked slows down the process # Instead, here we create the command file for only once when IPC path gets initialized # Then, open the command file with 'r' in debugcore.send_command() to get a better performance command_file = get_gdb_command_file(pid) open(command_file, "w").close()
[docs] def create_tmp_path(pid): """Creates the tmp directory of given pid Args: pid (int,str): PID of the process """ path = get_tmp_path(pid) if os.path.exists(path): shutil.rmtree(path) os.makedirs(path)
[docs] def get_ipc_path(pid): """Get the IPC directory of given pid Args: pid (int): PID of the process Returns: str: Path of IPC directory """ return typedefs.PATHS.IPC + str(pid)
[docs] def get_tmp_path(pid): """Get the tmp directory of given pid Args: pid (int): PID of the process Returns: str: Path of tmp directory """ return typedefs.PATHS.TMP + str(pid)
[docs] def get_logging_file(pid): """Get the path of gdb logfile of given pid Args: pid (int,str): PID of the process Returns: str: Path of gdb logfile """ return get_tmp_path(pid) + "/gdb_log.txt"
[docs] def get_gdb_command_file(pid): """Get the path of gdb command file of given pid Args: pid (int,str): PID of the process Returns: str: Path of gdb command file """ return get_ipc_path(pid) + "/gdb_command.txt"
[docs] def get_track_watchpoint_file(pid, watchpoint_list): """Get the path of track watchpoint file for given pid and watchpoint Args: pid (int,str): PID of the process watchpoint_list (list,str): Numbers of the watchpoints Returns: str: Path of track watchpoint file """ return get_ipc_path(pid) + "/" + str(watchpoint_list) + "_track_watchpoint.txt"
[docs] def get_track_breakpoint_file(pid, breakpoint): """Get the path of track breakpoint file for given pid and breakpoint Args: pid (int,str): PID of the process breakpoint (str): breakpoint number Returns: str: Path of track breakpoint file """ return get_ipc_path(pid) + "/" + breakpoint + "_track_breakpoint.txt"
[docs] def append_file_extension(string, extension): """Appends the given extension to the given string if it doesn't end with the given extension Args: string (str): Self-explanatory extension (str): Self-explanatory, you don't have to include the dot Returns: str: Given string with the extension """ extension = extension.strip(".") return string if string.endswith("." + extension) else string + "." + extension
[docs] def save_file(data, file_path, save_method="json"): """Saves the specified data to given path Args: data (??): Saved data, can be anything, must be supported by save_method file_path (str): Path of the saved file save_method (str): Can be "json" or "pickle" Returns: bool: True if saved successfully, False if not """ if save_method == "json": try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True) json.dump(data, open(file_path, "w")) return True except Exception as e: print("Encountered an exception while dumping the data\n", e) return False elif save_method == "pickle": try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True) pickle.dump(data, open(file_path, "wb")) return True except Exception as e: print("Encountered an exception while dumping the data\n", e) return False else: print("Unsupported save_method, bailing out...") return False
[docs] def load_file(file_path, load_method="json"): """Loads data from the given path Args: file_path (str): Path of the saved file load_method (str): Can be "json" or "pickle" Returns: ??: file_path is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get None: If loading fails """ if load_method == "json": try: output = json.load(open(file_path, "r"), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) except Exception as e: print("Encountered an exception while loading the data\n", e) return elif load_method == "pickle": try: output = pickle.load(open(file_path, "rb")) except Exception as e: print("Encountered an exception while loading the data\n", e) return else: print("Unsupported load_method, bailing out...") return return output
[docs] def get_trace_status_file(pid): """Get the path of trace status file for given pid Args: pid (int,str): PID of the process Returns: str: Path of trace status file """ return get_ipc_path(pid) + "/_trace_status.txt"
[docs] def change_trace_status(pid: int | str, trace_status: int): """Change trace status for given pid Args: pid (int,str): PID of the process trace_status (int): New trace status, can be a member of typedefs.TRACE_STATUS """ trace_status_file = get_trace_status_file(pid) with open(trace_status_file, "w") as trace_file: trace_file.write(str(trace_status))
[docs] def get_dissect_code_status_file(pid): """Get the path of dissect code status file for given pid Args: pid (int,str): PID of the process Returns: str: Path of dissect code status file """ return get_ipc_path(pid) + "/dissect_code_status.txt"
[docs] def get_referenced_strings_file(pid): """Get the path of referenced strings dict file for given pid Args: pid (int,str): PID of the process Returns: str: Path of referenced strings dict file """ return get_tmp_path(pid) + "/referenced_strings_dict.txt"
[docs] def get_referenced_jumps_file(pid): """Get the path of referenced jumps dict file for given pid Args: pid (int,str): PID of the process Returns: str: Path of referenced jumps dict file """ return get_tmp_path(pid) + "/referenced_jumps_dict.txt"
[docs] def get_referenced_calls_file(pid): """Get the path of referenced strings dict file for given pid Args: pid (int,str): PID of the process Returns: str: Path of referenced calls dict file """ return get_tmp_path(pid) + "/referenced_calls_dict.txt"
[docs] def get_from_pince_file(pid): """Get the path of IPC file sent to custom gdb commands from PINCE for given pid Args: pid (int,str): PID of the process Returns: str: Path of IPC file """ return get_ipc_path(pid) + typedefs.PATHS.FROM_PINCE
[docs] def get_to_pince_file(pid): """Get the path of IPC file sent to PINCE from custom gdb commands for given pid Args: pid (int,str): PID of the process Returns: str: Path of IPC file """ return get_ipc_path(pid) + typedefs.PATHS.TO_PINCE
[docs] def parse_string(string: str, value_index: int): """Parses the string according to the given value_index Args: string (str): String that'll be parsed value_index (int): Determines the type of data. Can be a member of typedefs.VALUE_INDEX Returns: str: If the value_index is STRING list: If the value_index is AOB. A list of ints is returned float: If the value_index is FLOAT32 or FLOAT64 int: If the value_index is anything else None: If the string is not parsable by using the parameter value_index Examples: string="42 DE AD BE EF 24",value_index=typedefs.VALUE_INDEX.AOB--▼ returned_list=[66, 222, 173, 190, 239, 36] """ if not string: print("please enter a string first") return try: value_index = int(value_index) except: print(str(value_index) + " can't be converted to int") return if typedefs.VALUE_INDEX.is_string(value_index): return string string = string.strip() if value_index == typedefs.VALUE_INDEX.AOB: try: string_list = regexes.whitespaces.split(string) for item in string_list: if len(item) > 2: print(string + " can't be parsed as array of bytes") return hex_list = [int(x, 16) for x in string_list] return hex_list except: print(string + " can't be parsed as array of bytes") return elif typedefs.VALUE_INDEX.is_float(value_index): try: string = float(string) except: try: string = float(int(string, 0)) except: print(string + " can't be parsed as floating point variable") return return string else: try: string = int(string, 0) except: try: string = int(float(string)) except: print(string + " can't be parsed as integer or hexadecimal") return if value_index == typedefs.VALUE_INDEX.INT8: string = string % 0x100 # 256 elif value_index == typedefs.VALUE_INDEX.INT16: string = string % 0x10000 # 65536 elif value_index == typedefs.VALUE_INDEX.INT32: string = string % 0x100000000 # 4294967296 elif value_index == typedefs.VALUE_INDEX.INT64: string = string % 0x10000000000000000 # 18446744073709551616 return string
[docs] def instruction_follow_address(string): """Searches for the location changing instructions such as Jcc, CALL and LOOPcc in the given string. Returns the hex address the instruction jumps to Args: string (str): An assembly expression Returns: str: Hex address None: If no hex address is found or no location changing instructions found """ result = if result: return
[docs] def extract_address(string): """Extracts hex address from the given string Args: string (str): The string that the hex address will be extracted from Returns: str: Hex address None: If no hex address is found """ result = if result: return
[docs] def modulo_address(int_address, arch_type): """Calculates the modulo of the given integer based on the given architecture type to make sure that it doesn't exceed the borders of the given architecture type (0xffffffff->x86, 0xffffffffffffffff->x64) Args: int_address (int): Self-explanatory arch_type (int): Architecture type (x86, x64). Can be a member of typedefs.INFERIOR_ARCH Returns: int: Modulo of the given integer based on the given architecture type """ if arch_type == typedefs.INFERIOR_ARCH.ARCH_32: return int_address % 0x100000000 elif arch_type == typedefs.INFERIOR_ARCH.ARCH_64: return int_address % 0x10000000000000000 raise Exception("arch_type must be a member of typedefs.INFERIOR_ARCH")
[docs] def get_opcodes(address, aob, inferior_arch): """Returns the instructions from the given array of bytes Args: address (int): The address where the opcode starts from aob (str): Bytes of the opcode as an array of bytes inferior_arch (int): Architecture type (x86, x64). Can be a member of typedefs.INFERIOR_ARCH Returns: str: Opcodes, multiple entries are separated with ; None: If there was an error """ if inferior_arch == typedefs.INFERIOR_ARCH.ARCH_64: disas_option = distorm3.Decode64Bits elif inferior_arch == typedefs.INFERIOR_ARCH.ARCH_32: disas_option = distorm3.Decode32Bits try: bytecode = bytes.fromhex(aob.replace(" ", "")) except ValueError: return disas_data = distorm3.Decode(address, bytecode, disas_option) return "; ".join([data[2] for data in disas_data])
[docs] def assemble(instructions, address, inferior_arch): """Assembles the given instructions Args: instructions (str): A string of instructions, multiple entries separated by ; address (int): Address of the instruction inferior_arch (int): Can be a member of typedefs.INFERIOR_ARCH Returns: tuple: A tuple of (list, int) --> Assembled bytes (list of int) and instruction count (int) None: If there was an error """ try: if inferior_arch == typedefs.INFERIOR_ARCH.ARCH_64: return ks_64.asm(instructions, address) else: return ks_32.asm(instructions, address) except KsError as e: print(e)
[docs] def aob_to_str(list_of_bytes, encoding="ascii", replace_unprintable=True): """Converts given array of hex strings to str Args: list_of_bytes (list): Must be returned from debugcore.hex_dump() encoding (str): See here--> replace_unprintable (bool): If True, replaces non-printable characters with a period (.) Returns: str: str equivalent of array """ ### make an actual list of bytes hexString = "" byteList = list_of_bytes if isinstance(list_of_bytes, list): byteList = list_of_bytes else: byteList = [] byteList.append(list_of_bytes) for sByte in byteList: if sByte == "??": hexString += f"{63:02x}" # replace ?? with a single ? else: if isinstance(sByte, int): byte = sByte else: byte = int(sByte, 16) if replace_unprintable and ((byte < 32) or (byte > 126)): hexString += f"{46:02x}" # replace non-printable chars with a period (.) else: hexString += f"{byte:02x}" hexBytes = bytes.fromhex(hexString) return hexBytes.decode(encoding, "surrogateescape")
[docs] def str_to_aob(string, encoding="ascii"): """Converts given string to aob string Args: string (str): Any string encoding (str): See here--> Returns: str: AoB equivalent of the given string """ s = str(binascii.hexlify(string.encode(encoding, "surrogateescape")), encoding).upper() return " ".join(s[i : i + 2] for i in range(0, len(s), 2))
[docs] def split_symbol(symbol_string): """Splits symbol part of typedefs.tuple_function_info into smaller fractions Fraction count depends on the the symbol_string. See Examples section for demonstration Args: symbol_string (str): symbol part of typedefs.tuple_function_info Returns: list: A list containing parts of the splitted symbol Examples: symbol_string-->"func(param)@plt" returned_list-->["func","func(param)","func(param)@plt"] symbol_string-->"malloc@plt" returned_list-->["malloc", "malloc@plt"] symbol_string-->"printf" returned_list-->["printf"] """ returned_list = [] p_count = 0 # this algorithm searches for balanced parentheses and removes the outer group # using string reversing with recursive re.split makes the code confusing as hell, going with this one instead # searching for balanced parentheses works because apparently no demangled symbol can finish with <.*> # XXX: run this code to test while attached to a process and open a detailed issue if you get a result """ from libpince import debugcore import re result=debugcore.search_functions("") for address, symbol in result: if"<.*>[^()]+$", symbol): print(symbol) """ for index, letter in enumerate(symbol_string[::-1]): if letter == ")": p_count += 1 elif letter == "(": p_count -= 1 if p_count == 0: returned_list.append((symbol_string[: -(index + 1)])) break assert p_count >= 0, ( symbol_string + " contains unhealthy amount of left parentheses\nGotta give him some" ' right parentheses. Like Bob always says "everyone needs a friend"' ) assert p_count == 0, symbol_string + " contains unbalanced parentheses" if "@plt" in symbol_string: returned_list.append(symbol_string.rsplit("@plt", maxsplit=1)[0]) returned_list.append(symbol_string) return returned_list
[docs] def execute_command_as_user(command): """Executes given command as user Args: command (str): Command that'll be invoked from the shell """ uid, gid = get_user_ids() os.system("sudo -Eu '#" + uid + "' " + command)
[docs] def get_module_name(module): """Gets the name of the given module without the package name Args: module (module): A module Returns: str: Name of the module """ return module.__name__.replace(module.__package__ + ".", "", 1)
[docs] def init_user_files(): """Initializes user files""" root_path = get_user_path(typedefs.USER_PATHS.ROOT) if not os.path.exists(root_path): os.makedirs(root_path) for file in typedefs.USER_PATHS.get_init_files(): file = get_user_path(file) try: open(file).close() except FileNotFoundError: open(file, "w").close()
[docs] def get_user_ids(): """Gets uid and gid of the current user Returns: tuple: (str, str)-->uid and gid of the current user """ uid = os.getenv("SUDO_UID") or str(os.getuid()) gid = os.getenv("SUDO_GID") or str(os.getgid()) return uid, gid
[docs] def get_user_home_dir(): """Returns the home directory of the current user Returns: str: Home directory of the current user """ uid, _ = get_user_ids() return pwd.getpwuid(int(uid)).pw_dir
[docs] def get_user_path(user_path): """Returns the specified user path for the current user Args: user_path (str): Can be a member of typedefs.USER_PATHS Returns: str: Specified user path of the current user """ # TODO: Use XDG specification homedir = get_user_home_dir() return os.path.join(homedir, user_path)
[docs] def get_default_gdb_path(): appdir = os.environ.get("APPDIR") if appdir: return appdir + "/usr/bin/gdb" return typedefs.PATHS.GDB
[docs] def execute_script(file_path): """Loads and executes the script in the given path Args: file_path (str): Self-explanatory Returns: tuple: (module, exception) module--> Loaded script as module exception--> traceback as str Returns (None, exception) if fails to load the script Returns (module, None) if script gets loaded successfully """ head, tail = os.path.split(file_path) file_name = tail.split(".", maxsplit=1)[0] try: module = SourceFileLoader(file_name, file_path).load_module() except Exception as e: print("Encountered an exception while loading the script located at " + file_path) tb = traceback.format_exception(None, e, e.__traceback__) tb.insert(0, "------->You can ignore the importlib part if the source file is valid<-------\n") tb = "".join(tb) print(tb) return None, tb return module, None
[docs] def parse_response(response, line_num=0): """Parses the given GDB/MI output. Wraps gdbmiparser.parse_response debugcore.send_command returns an additional "^done" output because of the "source" command This function is used to get rid of that output before parsing Args: response (str): GDB/MI response line_num (int): Which line of the response will be parsed Returns: dict: Contents of the dict depends on the response """ return gdbmiparser.parse_response(response.splitlines()[line_num])
[docs] def search_files(directory, regex): """Searches the files in given directory for given regex recursively Args: directory (str): Directory to search for regex (str): Regex to search for Returns: list: Sorted list of the relative paths(to the given directory) of the files found """ file_list = [] for file in pathlib.Path(directory).rglob("*.*"): result =,, re.IGNORECASE) if result: file_list.append(str(file.relative_to(directory))) return sorted(file_list)
[docs] def ignore_exceptions(func): """A decorator to ignore exceptions""" def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: func(*args, **kwargs) except: traceback.print_exc() return wrapper
[docs] def upper_hex(hex_str: str): """Converts the given hex string to uppercase while keeping the 'x' character lowercase""" # check if the given string is a hex string, if not return the string as is if not regexes.hex_number_gui.match(hex_str): return hex_str return hex_str.upper().replace("X", "x")
[docs] def return_optional_int(val: int) -> int | None: return None if val == 0 else val