Source code for GUI.Utils.guiutils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright (C) Korcan Karaokçu <>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from PyQt6.QtWidgets import (
from PyQt6.QtCore import QObject, QRegularExpression
from PyQt6.QtGui import QShortcut, QRegularExpressionValidator
from libpince import utils, typedefs, regexes
from import TranslationConstants as tr
from typing import overload

validator_map: dict[str, QRegularExpressionValidator | None] = {
    "int": QRegularExpressionValidator(QRegularExpression(regexes.decimal_number.pattern)),  # integers
    "int_hex": QRegularExpressionValidator(QRegularExpression(regexes.hex_number_gui.pattern)),  # hexadecimals
    "float": QRegularExpressionValidator(QRegularExpression(regexes.float_number.pattern)),  # floats
    "bytearray": QRegularExpressionValidator(QRegularExpression(regexes.bytearray_input.pattern)),  # array of bytes
    "string": None,

[docs] def get_icons_directory(): """Gets the directory of the icons Returns: str: Path to the icons directory """ return utils.get_script_directory() + "/media/icons"
[docs] def center(window: QWidget): """Center the given window to desktop Args: window (QWidget): The window that'll be centered to desktop """ window.frameGeometry().moveCenter(window.screen().availableGeometry().center())
[docs] def center_to_parent(window: QWidget): """Center the given window to its parent Args: window (QWidget): The window that'll be centered to its parent """ parent: QWidget = window.parent() window.move(parent.frameGeometry().center() - window.rect().center())
[docs] def center_scroll_bar(scrollbar: QScrollBar): """Center the given scrollbar Args: scrollbar (QScrollbar): Self-explanatory """ maximum = scrollbar.maximum() minimum = scrollbar.minimum() scrollbar.setValue((maximum + minimum) // 2)
[docs] def resize_to_contents(tablewidget: QTableWidget): """Resizes the columns of the given QTableWidget to its contents This also fixes the stretch problem of the last column Args: tablewidget (QTableWidget): Self-explanatory """ tablewidget.resizeColumnsToContents() default_size = tablewidget.horizontalHeader().defaultSectionSize() tablewidget.horizontalHeader().resizeSection(tablewidget.columnCount() - 1, default_size)
[docs] def fill_value_combobox(combobox: QComboBox, current_index: int = typedefs.VALUE_INDEX.INT32): """Fills the given QComboBox with value_index strings Args: combobox (QComboBox): The combobox that'll be filled current_index (int): Can be a member of typedefs.VALUE_INDEX """ for key in typedefs.index_to_text_dict: combobox.addItem(typedefs.index_to_text_dict[key]) combobox.setCurrentIndex(current_index)
[docs] def fill_endianness_combobox(combobox: QComboBox, current_index: int = typedefs.ENDIANNESS.HOST): """Fills the given QComboBox with endianness strings Args: combobox (QComboBox): The combobox that'll be filled current_index (int): Can be a member of typedefs.ENDIANNESS """ endianness_text = [ (typedefs.ENDIANNESS.HOST, tr.HOST), (typedefs.ENDIANNESS.LITTLE, tr.LITTLE), (typedefs.ENDIANNESS.BIG, tr.BIG), ] for endian, text in endianness_text: combobox.addItem(text, endian) combobox.setCurrentIndex(current_index)
[docs] def get_current_row(tablewidget: QTableWidget): r"""Returns the currently selected row index for the given QTableWidget If you try to use only selectionModel().currentIndex().row() for this purpose, you'll get the last selected row even if it was unselected afterwards. This is why this function exists, it checks the selection state before returning the selected row Args: tablewidget (QTableWidget): Self-explanatory Returns: int: Currently selected row. Returns -1 if nothing is selected Note: This function doesn't work properly when used within signals such as currentItemChanged, currentIndexChanged, currentChanged and currentRowChanged. Use the row, item, QModelIndex or whatever the signal provides instead. This bug occurs because those signals only update the changed row, not the selectionModel. This causes selectionModel().selectedRows() to return None and this function to behave improperly For developers: You can use the regex \.current.*\.connect to search signals if a cleanup is needed """ if tablewidget.selectionModel().selectedRows(): return tablewidget.selectionModel().currentIndex().row() return -1
@overload def get_current_item(listwidget: QListWidget) -> QListWidgetItem | None: ... @overload def get_current_item(tablewidget: QTableWidget) -> QTableWidgetItem | None: ... @overload def get_current_item(treewidget: QTreeWidget) -> QTreeWidgetItem | None: ...
[docs] def get_current_item(widget: QListWidget | QTableWidget | QTreeWidget): r"""Returns the currently selected item for the given widget If you try to use only selectionModel().currentItem() for this purpose, you'll get the last selected item even if it was unselected afterwards. This is why this function exists, it checks the selection state before returning the selected item. Unlike get_current_row, this function can be used with QTreeWidget Args: widget (QListWidget | QTableWidget | QTreeWidget): Self-explanatory Returns: Any: Currently selected item. Returns None if nothing is selected Note: This function doesn't work properly when used within signals such as currentItemChanged, currentIndexChanged, currentChanged and currentRowChanged. Use the row, item, QModelIndex or whatever the signal provides instead. This bug occurs because those signals only update the changed row, not the selectionModel. This causes selectionModel().selectedRows() to return None and this function to behave improperly For developers: You can use the regex \.current.*\.connect to search signals if a cleanup is needed """ if widget.selectionModel().selectedRows(): return widget.currentItem()
[docs] def delete_menu_entries(menu: QMenu, QAction_list: list): """Deletes given QActions from the QMenu recursively and cleans up the remaining redundant separators and menus Doesn't support menus that includes types other than actions, separators and menus Args: menu (QMenu): Self-explanatory QAction_list (list): List of QActions. Leave blank if you just want to clean the redundant separators up """ def remove_entries(menu: QMenu): for action in menu.actions(): try: QAction_list.index(action) except ValueError: pass else: menu.removeAction(action) def clean_entries(menu: QMenu): for action in menu.actions(): if action.isSeparator(): actions = menu.actions() current_index = actions.index(action) if ( len(actions) == 1 or (current_index == 0 and actions[1].isSeparator()) or (current_index == -1 and actions[-2].isSeparator()) or (actions[current_index - 1].isSeparator() and actions[current_index + 1].isSeparator()) ): menu.removeAction(action) remove_entries(menu) clean_entries(menu)
# TODO: This is a really bad design pattern, remove this function after moving classes to their own files
[docs] def search_parents_by_function(qt_object: QObject, func_name: str): """Search for func_name in the parents of given QObject. Once function is found, parent that possesses func_name is returned Args: qt_object (QObject): The object that'll be searched for it's parents func_name (str): The name of the function that'll be searched """ while qt_object is not None: qt_object = qt_object.parent() if func_name in dir(qt_object): return qt_object
[docs] def get_layout_widgets(layout: QLayout): """Returns the widgets of a QLayout as a list Args: layout: Self-explanatory Returns: list: A list that contains the widgets of the given layout """ return [layout.itemAt(x).widget() for x in range(layout.count())]
[docs] def contains_reference_mark(string: str): """Checks if given string contains the reference mark Args: string (str): String that'll be checked for the reference mark Returns: bool: True if given string contains the reference mark, False otherwise """ return True if else False
[docs] def append_shortcut_to_tooltip(qt_object: QObject, shortcut: QShortcut): """Appends key string of the given QShortcut to the toolTip of the given QObject Args: qt_object (QObject): Self-explanatory shortcut (QShortcut): Self-explanatory """ qt_object.setToolTip(qt_object.toolTip() + "[" + shortcut.key().toString() + "]")